
public class MatrixHelper extends Object
Convenience methods for matrixes
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
    static Mesh
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
    createScaleMatrix4(double scale)
    static void
    diagonalize(javax.vecmath.Matrix3d a, javax.vecmath.Matrix3d dOut, javax.vecmath.Matrix3d qOut)
    returns Q and D such that Diagonal matrix D = QT * A * Q; and A = Q*D*QT see Jacobi_eigenvalue_algorithm see Diagonalization
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
    eulerToMatrix(javax.vecmath.Vector3d radians, MatrixHelper.EulerSequence sequenceIndex)
    Converts Euler angles to a rotation matrix based on the specified Euler sequence.
    static double[]
    getCartesianBetweenTwoMatrices(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d mStart, javax.vecmath.Matrix4d mEnd)
    Use Quaternions to estimate the distance between two matrixes (both linear and rotational).
    static void
    getCartesianBetweenTwoMatrices(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d mStart, javax.vecmath.Matrix4d mEnd, double[] listOut)
    Use Quaternions to estimate the distance between two matrixes (both linear and rotational).
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
    getMatrixFromAxisAndRotation(javax.vecmath.Vector3d axis, double degrees)
    static javax.vecmath.Vector3d
    getPosition(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m)
    static javax.vecmath.Vector3d
    getXAxis(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m)
    static Plane
    getXYPlane(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d pivot)
    static javax.vecmath.Vector3d
    getYAxis(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m)
    static javax.vecmath.Vector3d
    getZAxis(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m)
    static boolean
    interpolate(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d start, javax.vecmath.Matrix4d end, double alpha, javax.vecmath.Matrix4d result)
    Interpolate between two 4d matrixes, (end-start)*i + start where i=[0...1]
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix3d
    lookAt(javax.vecmath.Vector3d from, javax.vecmath.Vector3d to)
    Build a "look at" matrix.
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
    lookAt(javax.vecmath.Vector3d from, javax.vecmath.Vector3d to, javax.vecmath.Vector3d up)
    Build a "look at" matrix.
    static javax.vecmath.Vector3d
    matrixToEuler(javax.vecmath.Matrix3d mat, MatrixHelper.EulerSequence sequenceIndex)
    Assumes the rotational component is a valid rotation matrix.
    static javax.vecmath.Vector3d
    matrixToEuler(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d mat, MatrixHelper.EulerSequence sequenceIndex)
    Convenience method to call matrixToEuler() with only the rotational component.
    static void
    normalize3(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d mTarget)
    normalize the 3x3 component of the mTarget matrix.
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
    orthographicMatrix4d(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far)
    Generate an orthographic matrix.
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
    perspectiveMatrix4d(double fovY, double aspect, double near, double far)
    Generate a perspective matrix.
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
    setOrthographicFiniteFar(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far)
    Generate an orthographic matrix where near is -1 and far is 1.
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
    setOrthographicInfiniteFar(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near)
    Generate a reverse-distance orthographic matrix where near items are 1 and far items are 0.
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
    setPerspectiveFiniteFar(double fovY, double aspect, double near, double far)
    Generate a perspective matrix where near items are -1 and far items are +1.
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
    setPerspectiveFiniteFarAdvanced(double fovY, double aspect, double near, double far)
    Generate a perspective matrix where near items are -1 and far items are +1.
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
    setPerspectiveFiniteFarSimplified(double fovY, double aspect, double near, double far)
    Generate a perspective matrix where near items are -1 and far items are +1.
    static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d
    setPerspectiveInfiniteFar(double fovY, double aspect, double near)
    Generate the reverse perspective matrix, where near items are 1 and far items are 0.
    static void
    setPosition(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m, javax.vecmath.Vector3d v)
    static void
    setXAxis(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m, javax.vecmath.Vector3d v)
    static void
    setYAxis(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m, javax.vecmath.Vector3d v)
    static void
    setZAxis(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m, javax.vecmath.Vector3d v)

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • MatrixHelper

      public MatrixHelper()
  • Method Details

    • createScaleMatrix4

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d createScaleMatrix4(double scale)
    • createMesh

      public static Mesh createMesh()
    • matrixToEuler

      public static javax.vecmath.Vector3d matrixToEuler(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d mat, MatrixHelper.EulerSequence sequenceIndex)
      Convenience method to call matrixToEuler() with only the rotational component. Assumes the rotational component is a valid rotation matrix. Eulers are using the YXZ convention.
      mat - the Matrix4d to convert.
      a valid Euler solution to the matrix.
    • matrixToEuler

      public static javax.vecmath.Vector3d matrixToEuler(javax.vecmath.Matrix3d mat, MatrixHelper.EulerSequence sequenceIndex)
      Assumes the rotational component is a valid rotation matrix. Eulers are using the YXZ convention.
      mat - the Matrix3d to convert.
      sequenceIndex - a MatrixHelper.EulerSequence value.
      a valid Euler solution to the matrix.
    • eulerToMatrix

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix3d eulerToMatrix(javax.vecmath.Vector3d radians, MatrixHelper.EulerSequence sequenceIndex)
      Converts Euler angles to a rotation matrix based on the specified Euler sequence. See also ...
      radians - radian rotation values
      sequenceIndex - a MatrixHelper.EulerSequence value
      resulting matrix
    • interpolate

      public static boolean interpolate(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d start, javax.vecmath.Matrix4d end, double alpha, javax.vecmath.Matrix4d result)
      Interpolate between two 4d matrixes, (end-start)*i + start where i=[0...1]
      start - start matrix
      end - end matrix
      alpha - double value in the range [0...1]
      result - where to store the resulting matrix
      True if the operation succeeds. False if the inputs are bad or the operation fails.
    • lookAt

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix3d lookAt(javax.vecmath.Vector3d from, javax.vecmath.Vector3d to)

      Build a "look at" matrix. The forward axis is pointing (to-from) normalized. The up starts as (0,0,1). left axis is cross product of up and forward. forward is then recalculated as the cross product of left and up.

      This will fail if forward is parallel to up.

      from - where i'm at
      to - what I'm looking at
      a matrix that will transform a point to the "look at" orientation
    • lookAt

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d lookAt(javax.vecmath.Vector3d from, javax.vecmath.Vector3d to, javax.vecmath.Vector3d up)
      Build a "look at" matrix. The X+ axis is pointing (to-from) normalized. The Z+ starts as pointing up. Y+ is cross product of X and Z. Z is then recalculated based on the correct X and Y. This will fail if to-from is parallel to up.
      from - where i'm at
      to - what I'm looking at
      a matrix that will transform a point to the "look at" orientation
    • getXAxis

      public static javax.vecmath.Vector3d getXAxis(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m)
    • getYAxis

      public static javax.vecmath.Vector3d getYAxis(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m)
    • getZAxis

      public static javax.vecmath.Vector3d getZAxis(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m)
    • getPosition

      public static javax.vecmath.Vector3d getPosition(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m)
    • setXAxis

      public static void setXAxis(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m, javax.vecmath.Vector3d v)
    • setYAxis

      public static void setYAxis(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m, javax.vecmath.Vector3d v)
    • setZAxis

      public static void setZAxis(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m, javax.vecmath.Vector3d v)
    • setPosition

      public static void setPosition(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d m, javax.vecmath.Vector3d v)
    • normalize3

      public static void normalize3(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d mTarget)
      normalize the 3x3 component of the mTarget matrix. Do not affect position.
      mTarget - the matrix that will be normalized.
    • createIdentityMatrix4

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d createIdentityMatrix4()
    • getMatrixFromAxisAndRotation

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix3d getMatrixFromAxisAndRotation(javax.vecmath.Vector3d axis, double degrees)
      axis - a normalized vector
      degrees - angle in degrees
      a rotation matrix
    • diagonalize

      public static void diagonalize(javax.vecmath.Matrix3d a, javax.vecmath.Matrix3d dOut, javax.vecmath.Matrix3d qOut)
      returns Q and D such that Diagonal matrix D = QT * A * Q; and A = Q*D*QT see Jacobi_eigenvalue_algorithm see Diagonalization
      a - a symmetric matrix.
      dOut - where to store the results
      qOut - where to store the results
    • getCartesianBetweenTwoMatrices

      public static double[] getCartesianBetweenTwoMatrices(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d mStart, javax.vecmath.Matrix4d mEnd)
      Use Quaternions to estimate the distance between two matrixes (both linear and rotational).
      mStart - matrix of start pose
      mEnd - matrix of end pose
      6 doubles that will be filled with the XYZ translation and RPY rotation.
    • getCartesianBetweenTwoMatrices

      public static void getCartesianBetweenTwoMatrices(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d mStart, javax.vecmath.Matrix4d mEnd, double[] listOut)
      Use Quaternions to estimate the distance between two matrixes (both linear and rotational).
      mStart - matrix of start pose
      mEnd - matrix of end pose
      listOut - a double[6] to store the result. Must not be null.
    • getXYPlane

      public static Plane getXYPlane(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d pivot)
      pivot - the matrix to use as the origin.
      a Plane that is parallel to the XY plane and passes through the origin.
    • orthographicMatrix4d

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d orthographicMatrix4d(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far)
      Generate an orthographic matrix.
      left - pixels
      right - pixels
      bottom - pixels
      top - pixels
      near - distance
      far - distance
      a matrix
    • setOrthographicFiniteFar

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d setOrthographicFiniteFar(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far)
      Generate an orthographic matrix where near is -1 and far is 1.
      left - pixels
      right - pixels
      bottom - pixels
      top - pixels
      near - distance
      far - distance
      a matrix
    • setOrthographicInfiniteFar

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d setOrthographicInfiniteFar(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near)
      Generate a reverse-distance orthographic matrix where near items are 1 and far items are 0.
      left - pixels
      right - pixels
      bottom - pixels
      top - pixels
      near - distance
      a matrix
    • perspectiveMatrix4d

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d perspectiveMatrix4d(double fovY, double aspect, double near, double far)
      Generate a perspective matrix.
      fovY - degrees
      aspect - ratio
      near - distance
      far - distance
      a matrix
    • setPerspectiveFiniteFar

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d setPerspectiveFiniteFar(double fovY, double aspect, double near, double far)
      Generate a perspective matrix where near items are -1 and far items are +1.
      fovY - degrees
      aspect - ratio
      near - distance
      far - distance
      a matrix
    • setPerspectiveFiniteFarSimplified

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d setPerspectiveFiniteFarSimplified(double fovY, double aspect, double near, double far)
      Generate a perspective matrix where near items are -1 and far items are +1.
      fovY - degrees
      aspect - ratio
      near - distance
      far - distance
      a matrix
    • setPerspectiveFiniteFarAdvanced

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d setPerspectiveFiniteFarAdvanced(double fovY, double aspect, double near, double far)
      Generate a perspective matrix where near items are -1 and far items are +1. This version could more easily be tweaked to adjust left/right for stereoscopic rendering.
      fovY - degrees
      aspect - ratio
      near - distance
      far - distance
      a matrix
    • setPerspectiveInfiniteFar

      public static javax.vecmath.Matrix4d setPerspectiveInfiniteFar(double fovY, double aspect, double near)
      Generate the reverse perspective matrix, where near items are 1 and far items are 0.
      fovY - degrees
      aspect - ratio
      near - distance
      a matrix