All Known Implementing Classes:
Compass3D, RotateToolMulti, RotateToolOneAxis, SelectionTool, TranslateToolMulti, TranslateToolOneAxis, TranslateToolTwoAxis

public interface ViewportTool
Interface for Viewport tools that can be used to visually edit the scene.
  • Method Details

    • activate

      void activate(List<Node> list)
      This method is called when the tool is activated. It receives a list containing the selected nodes and their initial world poses.
      list - The selected items to be manipulated by the tool.
    • deactivate

      void deactivate()
      This method is called when the tool is deactivated. It allows the tool to perform any necessary cleanup actions before another tool takes over.
    • handleMouseEvent

      void handleMouseEvent(MouseEvent event)
      Handles mouse input events for the tool.
      event - The MouseEvent object representing the input event.
    • update

      void update(double deltaTime)
      Updates the tool's internal state, if necessary.
      deltaTime - Time elapsed since the last update.
    • render

      void render(com.jogamp.opengl.GL3 gl, ShaderProgram shaderProgram)
      Renders any tool-specific visuals to the 3D scene.
      gl - The OpenGL context.
    • setViewport

      void setViewport(Viewport viewport)
    • isInUse

      boolean isInUse()
      Returns true if the tool is active (was clicked correctly and could be dragged)
      true if the tool is active (was clicked correctly and could be dragged)
    • cancelUse

      void cancelUse()
      Force cancel the tool. useful if two viewporttools are activated at once.
    • getStartPoint

      javax.vecmath.Point3d getStartPoint()
      Returns the point on the tool clicked by the user. This is used to determine which tool is closer to the user.
      the point on the tool clicked by the user.
    • mouseMoved

      void mouseMoved(MouseEvent event)
    • mousePressed

      void mousePressed(MouseEvent event)
    • mouseDragged

      void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event)
    • mouseReleased

      void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event)
    • setFrameOfReference

      void setFrameOfReference(FrameOfReference index)
      Sets the frame of reference for the tool.
      index - 0 for world, 1 for local, 2 for camera.
    • init

      void init(com.jogamp.opengl.GL3 gl3)
      This is called when the OpenGL context is created. It should create any resources.
      gl3 - the OpenGL context.
    • dispose

      void dispose(com.jogamp.opengl.GL3 gl3)
      This is called when the OpenGL context is destroyed. It should release any resources.
      gl3 - the OpenGL context.
    • getComponents

      void getComponents(List<JPanel> list)
      Build a Swing Component that represents this Tool.
      list - the list to add components to.